It is thanks to the support of guide runners and walkers that our blind and visually impaired members are able to take to the streets and roads; as such, we are deeply appreciative of the wonderful contribution of our volunteer guides in enabling our members with a visual disability to do what they do. It is not complicated to be a guide runner or guide walker - on the contrary, it is fun. As a first time guide, we will pair you with an experienced team at a group run so that you can see guiding in action before trying it for yourself. For a tutorial on how guide running is done, United in Stride has developed an excellent resource (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vazbsgn88g&t=1s) and we encourage you to take a look! We hope you'll consider giving guide running or walking a try.
Please complete a Guide Information Form (below) or download a pdf of the paper form and mail it to us. If you would prefer the form be emailed to you, please send an email to achillesottawa@gmail.com.
Guides are encouraged to become members of Achilles Ottawa. Annual membership with Achilles Ottawa costs $25 and we encourage guides to please complete an Achilles Ottawa Membership Form (below), which can be emailed or mailed to us. Guides can pay directly to achillesottawa@gmail.com